domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

Kuiper Belt

Since i was young i was very interested in the asteroid  belt to be honest it was after I saw Mars attack, lets begin.

There are two asteroid belts in our solar system one is in between Mars and Jupiter that one is called Asteroid Belt and the other one its located extending from the orbit of Neptune.

Now I am going to talk about the Kuiper Belt,beyond the gas giant Neptune there's a region of space with icy bodies known as Kuiper Belt it has trillions of objects. A astronomer called Gerard Kuiper predicted the existence of a belt of icy objects.

Astronomers are looking for a planet in the Kuiper Belt. In January 2016 they discovered the planet called “Planet Nine” its about 10 times the mass of Earth and 5,000 the mass of Pluto


The Kuiper Belt is an elliptical plane in space, its 7.4 billion kilometers from the sun. Its similar to the asteroid belt from between Mars and Jupiter. Objects in the Kuiper Belt tend more to be more icy than rocky.


When the solar sysytem was formed,much of the gas,dust and rocks pulled together to form the sun and planets. Most of the remaining debris out of the solar system. The orbit of the objects in this belt is stable the majority.


Pluto was the first  Kuiper belt object to be seen. Sedna was discovered in 2004 its 3 or 4 times Pluto. Nakednesses about 10,500 years to make a single orbit. Sedna is about 1,770km wide it circles the sun on a eccentric orbit that ranges between 12.9 billion km and 135 billion km.
The planets discovered in the Kuiper Belt are Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Planet Nine


Scientist have not actually seen Planet Nine directly. Planet Nine orbits around the sun at a distance that is 20 times farther out than the orbit of Neptune.


Because of their small size and distance location, kuiper belt objects are a challenge to spot from Earth.

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